Windhoek Digestive and Liver Disease Centre was opened in 2019.
We offer world-class, evidence-based gastroenterology services.
The centre is fully equipped with a state-of-the-art on-site endoscopy unit and day clinic.
We have two highly trained specialist gastroenterologists who work hand in hand with a dedicated team.
We strive to provide individualised care to patients with an array of gastrointestinal and liver diseases.
We further strongly promote preventative healthcare in the form of cancer screening.

Welcome to the
Windhoek Digestive & Liver Disease Centre
Meet Our Specialists
Dr Barbara Scholz
MBChB (Stell), FCP (SA), MRCP (UK), Cert Gastro (SA) Phys
Dr Barbara Scholz, a passionate Namibian from birth, is the founder of the Windhoek Digestive and Liver Disease Centre.
Her vision is to provide optimal care for patients requiring subspecialist gastroenterological input, an area that was previously neglected in Namibia.
She specialised at the Royal College of Physicians in Edinburgh and received an honorary fellowship, in the United Kingdom, and at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. She also received an honorary fellowship at the Royal College of Physicians in Edinburgh.

Dr Cecilia Coccia
MBChB (Pret), FCP(SA), MMed(UCT), Cert Gastro(SA) Phys, ESEGH(UK)
Dr Cecilia Coccia is a specialist physician and gastroenterologist who joined the practice in August 2023.
After completing her 4-year specialist physician training in 2019, she went on to do her 3-year Gastroenterology Fellowship Certificate at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa.
Subsequently, she also wrote the European subspecialty examination ESEGH (UK) to further her knowledge of gastrointestinal/hepatic pathology.
Her goals are to improve patient quality of life through appropriate diagnosis and management of medical conditions.
Her interests include inflammatory bowel disease and functional gastrointestinal disorders.
Our Medical Practice
Windhoek Digestive & Liver Disease Centre is a state-of-the-art medical practice providing specialist care for multiple gastrointestinal and liver diseases.

Our Unit & Procedure Rooms
The unit has a fully equipped endoscopy room where daily gastroscopies and colonoscopies are performed.
A separate procedure room caters for patients requiring intravenous infusions or minor procedures.
Our Services

Gastrointestinal Consultations:
Diarrhoea / Constipation / Bloating
Heartburn/ Stomach pain / Ulcers

Bariatric / Obesity Service:
Assistance with multi-disciplinary input and novel treatment
Facilitation of referral for bariatric surgery to appropriate centres in South Africa

Infusion Room:
Iron infusions
Therapeutic infusions / injections